Priority Registration: February 10th - 16th I Public Registration: February 17th


  • Adult Coed Weekday: Games played Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Games kick off between 6:10pm & 10:20pm

  • Adult Men: Games played Thursdays & Fridays. Games kick off between 6:10pm & 11:10pm

  • Adult Coed Weekend: Games played Saturdays & Sundays. Games kick off between 1:10pm & 10:20pm


League registration iNformation

  1. Seasons consist of 10 games.

  2. Team managers pay a minimum $200 non-refundable deposit at time of registration.

  3. Total Team Fees - $1,230

  4. Team balances are to be paid off in full by week two of the season.

  5. Referee fees are not included. $12 cash will be paid directly to the referee before each game from both teams.

  6. Coed games are played 7 v 7 (3 guys, 3 women, and a goalkeeper)

  7. Men's games are played 6 v 6


The Plex Membership

Players who participate in leagues here at The Plex are required to register and have a membership with facility. The membership is $20.00 and is good for 365 days from the time of purchase. The membership is good at both The Plex and Portland Indoor Soccer.

Waiver of Liability and Release



At the beginning of each season, schedule requests will be required from each team participating in that upcoming season. These requests will consist of your preferred day to play on, a secondary day to play on (Adult Coed Mon. - Wed. leagues), and any specific day or time to avoid.

Schedule requests can be filled out prior to the last day of registration. You may fill them out online by visiting the link below, at the front desk, or you can email them directly to:

Please note that any schedule request will be taken into account but will not be guaranteed. Each team needs to commit to all scheduled game times and days.

Schedule Request Form

how to register

  • Login to your DASH account or create an account if you're a new player

  • Click the Register button on the right side of the top menu bar

  • Registration type - Adult Soccer

  • Registering a team

  • Are you a coach or manager? Yes or No

  • Follow the remaining steps to complete the online registration

failure to play

Failure to play a scheduled game will result in a $45.00 cancellation fee, forfeit of the game missed, and no make up game.



Teams are required to wear the same colored shirts or uniforms. We encourage each team to bring one exact matching dark colored shirt and a white shirt. If both teams are wearing the same color at the start of the game, the HOME team will be required to change colors. Guest and pick-up players will also need to be wearing an exact match shirt as the team they are playing for.



Referee fees are not included in your team fee. Each team must pay the referee $12 cash before the start of each game.

Referee Evaluation Form



The Plex follows the FIFA and WISL rules and the USAV rule, with a few exceptions. For the complete list of rules and regulations at The Plex please select the link below:

The Plex Player Policy and Procedure Handbook

Waitlist Registration Form

Registration not open? Fill out the attached form and bring it in to the facility with a $100 deposit to reserve your spot for an upcoming season.

Waitlist Form



Brian Childs - League Manager

Daily Schedule & League Standings

*Refresh page if schedule and standings are not loading

Winter 2019-20 Champions

2019 Winterfest Holiday Tournament Champions